Abiding in the TRUE VINE

Sep 22, 2024    Jon Welch

Good Morning Leesburg,

I hope you left yesterday different than when you came. It was a joy to gather together and dive into John 15, where we explored the profound truth that Jesus is the true vine and we are the branches. We discussed the importance of abiding in Him and allowing God, the vine dresser, to prune us so that we may bear more fruit.

One of the key highlights was understanding that our focus should not be on producing fruit by our own efforts but on staying connected to Jesus. As we abide in Him, the natural outcome will be fruitfulness in our lives. We also touched on the significance of the Bible as our number one value, guiding us to know Jesus and live under God's good authority.

As you reflect on the message, consider these introspective questions:

1. In what ways can you more intentionally abide in Jesus this week?

2. How can you allow God's Word to prune and cleanse areas of your life that need transformation?

3. Are there any distractions or sins that you need to surrender to stay more connected to the vine?

Our memory verse for this week is John 15:4 (ESV):

"Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me."

For this week's application challenge, I encourage you to start each day with a simple prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to guide you and help you stay connected to Jesus.

Spend time reading the Bible daily and let its teachings shape your actions and decisions. Additionally, seek out opportunities to join a community group or Bible study to grow alongside fellow believers.

Let's commit to abiding in Christ and allowing His Word to transform us. I look forward to seeing how God will work in and through each of us this week.


Jon Welch Sr. Minister, Leesburg Christian Church leesburg.cc