Salt and Light
by John Kelley on October 21st, 2024
As Christians, we're called to live with an eternal perspective, focusing on the things that truly matter. We're called to be salt and light, preserving truth and illuminating the darkness.  Read More
Choose a Side
by John Kelley on August 28th, 2024
God isn’t Santa Clause, a genie in a bottle, or a wishing stone. God doesn’t exist for our benefit. God is God. We need to stop acting like He has to obey our every whim and understand that His ways are better than our ways.  Read More
Power is a Drug
by John Kelley on August 26th, 2024
Here’s the funny thing about power. In order to satisfy that hunger, you have to have more than the others around you. Otherwise, you don’t really have power, because others don’t have to bow to you.  Read More
The Automatic Garage Door Is Evil
by John Kelley on August 22nd, 2024
Love isn’t easy, and it isn’t cheap. Truly loving one another only comes through time and connection.  Read More
by John Kelley on August 21st, 2024
Discipline is one of those things that isn’t fun to talk about, but it is so important in the life of a disciple. Notice, the root of “discipline” is “disciple”.  Read More
Death to Life
by John Kelley on August 20th, 2024
Jesus didn’t die for the perfect. He died for the selfish, spiteful, undeserving, and hateful. He died to give us hope. He died to make the imperfect perfect.  Read More
by John Kelley on August 19th, 2024
When we walk as disciples of Christ, we walk with confidence in knowing that we win in life and in death.  Read More
by John Kelley on August 15th, 2024
Obedience isn’t a thumb being pressed down on us. It’s a key unlocking shackles that hold us down in sin and death.  Read More
by John Kelley on August 14th, 2024
When we live out our freedom, we realize that we are free to love and serve others. Our joy is no longer in feeding our stomachs or bank accounts. Instead, we find joy in following Christ’s commands and example. Putting others first isn’t a chore. It’s pure enjoyment.  Read More
by John Kelley on August 13th, 2024
It is impossible to lift your eyes when you have your hand on the plow every day. Work takes focus. Rest helps us refocus. With that refocus comes gratitude.  Read More
by John Kelley on August 12th, 2024
What is more hateful? Is it rebuking a brother or sister when they are incorrect, or is it letting them continue to spread false teaching? Is it better to keep the peace by letting a brother or sister keep living in sin, or is it better to correct them in love?  Read More
You Become What You Worship
by John Kelley on July 3rd, 2024
You’ve probably heard, “You are what you eat.” I’d take it a step further and say, “You become what you worship.”  Read More
It's Not Ours
by John Kelley on July 2nd, 2024
One of the flaws of greed is the feeling that we are defined by what we have; better houses, cars, jobs, and social standing. Jesus tells us that these do not define us.  Read More
Let’s Get It Right
by John Kelley on June 25th, 2024
As disciples of Christ, the Word of God must be our ultimate authority. We can’t be lazy and simply accept any teaching that we hear. We MUST hold it up against God’s Word and see if it matches up.   Read More
I Just Can’t Do It
by John Kelley on June 24th, 2024
To love God and love your neighbor as yourself, we need to follow God’s commands. Not doing so is disobedience and rebellion, which are the opposite of love.  Read More
Chocolate Eclairs Won’t Save You
by John Kelley on June 19th, 2024
One of the most dangerous aspects of gluttony is idolatry. We turn food into something more than the fuel for our bodies that it was designed to be.   Read More
Food Is A Terrible Counselor
by John Kelley on June 18th, 2024
Food is not your psychologist, your life coach, or your treatment program. It’s there to feed your body what it needs to live. When it goes beyond that and becomes our savior, it begins to take the place of our true Savior, Jesus.  Read More
Our God Is Not Our Stomach
by John Kelley on June 17th, 2024
Gluttony is the sin no one likes talking about, and that is for good reason. It is the sin that has become acceptable in the Church.  Read More
We Can Be Like God
by John Kelley on June 12th, 2024
...pride then leads us to a need for power to have control over those who are of less worth. We are not God, but that very desire to be equal to Him has been around since before the earth.  Read More
Rich Beyond Measure
by John Kelley on June 11th, 2024
This is what the lust of money does to us. It closes our hands. Instead of holding them open and allowing God to use our funds, we keep them tightly closed to prevent any of them from going away.  Read More
Walk By The Spirit
by John Kelley on June 10th, 2024
What would make someone throw away years of a Godly marriage and ruin the lives of three beautiful children? Lust. It’s been one of Satan’s favorite weapons against humanity for thousands of years.  Read More
Don't Hurt Yourself
by John Kelley on June 5th, 2024
Pride is really the opposite of humility. While humility says, “I will treat others as better than myself,” pride says, “I am better.” This is the inherent evil of pride.  Read More
Pride Won't Save You
by John Kelley on June 4th, 2024
Many of us find ourselves wanting to “get back” at people. We want to make sure they understand how they wronged us. In today’s political climate, we see left vs. right, conservative vs. liberal, and big city vs. rural all the time. Rarely do we see grace.   Read More
When I Think I’m God
by John Kelley on June 3rd, 2024
We need to decide where we stand on pride. We can’t let it direct our path. It only leads to one place.  Read More




