The Spiritual Games: Ultimate Sacrifice

Aug 25, 2024

Hey Leesurg,

I hope you left yesterday different than when you came. It was a powerful time together as we delved into John 13 and explored the profound example of humble service that Jesus set for us by washing His disciples' feet, even those of Judas, His betrayer.

We discussed how our culture often idolizes celebrities and positions of power, but Jesus calls us to a different standard—one of humility and selfless service. We were reminded that true greatness in the Kingdom of God is not about being served but about serving others, just as Jesus did.

As you reflect on the message, consider these questions:

1. How can you embody the humility and service of Jesus in your daily interactions with family, friends, and coworkers?

2. Are there areas in your life where you resist letting Jesus "wash your feet"? What steps can you take to surrender those areas to Him?

3. How can you serve someone this week in a way that reflects the love and humility of Christ?

Our memory verse for this week is John 13:14-15 (ESV):

"If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you."

Application Challenge:

This week, I challenge you to find one person to serve in a meaningful way. It could be a family member, a neighbor, or even a stranger. Let your actions reflect the love and humility of Jesus, and see how it transforms both your heart and theirs.

Thank you for being a part of our church family. Let's continue to grow together in Christ-like humility and service.


Jon Welch

Leesburg Christian Church

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