The Spiritual Games: The Patience of God

Aug 18, 2024    Sammy Harris

Hey Leesburg Family,

I hope you left yesterday different than when you came. It was a powerful time together as Sammy delved into John 12 and explored the theme of God's patience and the urgency of responding to His call. We discussed how Jesus, during His final week, extended His last invitation to believe in Him before the light would go out temporarily. We were reminded of the incredible patience of God, but also the sobering reality that His patience has an end.

As we reflect on the message, here are a few highlights to ponder:

The patience of God is astounding, yet it is not infinite.

Jesus' final call to believe in the light while we still have it.

The importance of not delaying our response to God's invitation.

I encourage you to ask yourself these introspective questions:

How can I demonstrate more patience and grace in my daily interactions, reflecting God's patience with me?

In what areas of my life am I delaying my response to God's call?

How can I be a light to those around me, especially in a world that often seems dark?

Our memory verse for this week is John 12:35-36 (NIV):

"Then Jesus told them, 'You are going to have the light just a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, before darkness overtakes you. Whoever walks in the dark does not know where they are going. Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light.'"


For this week's application challenge, I encourage you to intentionally seek out opportunities to be a light in someone else's life. Whether it's through a kind word, a helping hand, or sharing your faith, let’s make a conscious effort to reflect the light of Christ in our daily actions.

Thank you for being a part of our church family and for your commitment to growing in faith. Let’s continue to support and encourage one another as we walk in the light together.


Jon Welch Leesburg Christian Church

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